Dog friendly hiking blog

Thank you for visiting my hiking blog!

The Modern Female Hiker is a blog for outdoor lovers, dog parents (we have a chocolate lab and a basset hound) & weekend warriors. I have been fortunate enough to hike all over the world when I have time off work, and I’m so excited to share tips & tricks with you on how to get the most out of your weekends and precious vacation days.

I especially love taking my dogs with me so if possible I always look for dog-friendly hikes.

If you ever have specific questions, leave a comment, or my emails and DMs are always open!

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The Difference Between Hiking and Walking

Hiking and walking are two of the most effective exercises. These two activities can improve your cardiovascular endurance, strengthen the leg muscles, and offer other health benefits. But is hiking any different from walking as both involve traveling by foot over some distance? Is there a difference between hiking and walking that warrants the use of different words? Let us find out.

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