The Quinault Rain Forest Loop is a 31 mile drive in the Quinault area of Olympic National Forest. There are many stops along the way for sightseeing, short hikes, and even lunch!
The Quinault Rain Forest Loop is a 31 mile drive in the Quinault area of Olympic National Forest. There are many stops along the way for sightseeing, short hikes, and even lunch!
I spent this past weekend filming with GMC on a feature for the Lifestyle portion of the GMC Acadia. I'm excited to show you all how it turns out! My trip to Acadia National Park got me thinking about my favorite things to do there and tips for first time travelers.
When: Summer for nice weather, fall to avoid the crowds
Where: Acadia National Park is located 5 hours from Boston. The main park area is within miles of Bar Harbor, ME
The Mosaic Canyons is a popular Death Valley hike through narrow canyons. There is some scrambling involved which makes for a fun hike. The ranger said we might be able to see some bighorn sheep, but we didn't see any. Regardless, this is a fun hike that you could seemingly explore for much longer than the advertised 2 miles one day. "Let's just see what's around the next corner."
The Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes is another "must-see" in Death Valley. The highest dune sits at about 100 feet, and the entire area covers an area wide enough to explore for a few hours. My only other encounter with sand dunes was in Inner Mongolia, so I was really excited to go back. There's something uniquely enchanting about hiking barefoot at the end of a hot day. When we stopped at the Visitor Center, the Park Ranger mentioned that they always try to encourage visitors to do the moonrise hike up the sand dunes, but very few actually do it. (No idea why!!)
The Badwater Salt Flats are a must see for anyone making the trip out to Death Valley. It's a short, easy walk that is suitable for not so active and hyper adventurers alike. The salt flats cover around 200 square miles and are one of the largest protected salt flats in the world. It is also the lowest point in the western hemisphere with an elevation of 282 ft below sea level.
Bryce Canyon is one of the many national parks in Utah. It's extremely unique and beautiful, as it's covered with hoodoos. The park is small and can be done in either 1 or 2 days. As with many national parks, it can be very touristy.
You've probably seen pictures of The Subway on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. Zion National Park is home to one of the most beautiful slot canyons in the world. There are two ways to do The Subway. In my opinion, the only way of experiencing the true beauty of The Subway is with the top-down option.
Trip distance: 9.5 miles
Terrain Rating: Difficult
Hike In: 7AM
Hike Out: 4PM