The Lost Coast is a 53-mile route along Northern California’s rugged coast untouched by Highway 1. The hike is split into two sections, one from Mattel River to Shelter Cove, and the other from Hidden Valley to Sinkyone Wilderness State Park. We set out for the 25 mile northern section which hugs the coastline for most of the way. Most people will travel North to South to keep the wind at their backs.

Castle Rock is a beautiful park right off the junction of Highway 9 and Highway 35 in Northern California. It is located right at the crest of the majestic Santa Cruz Mountains. There are around 35 miles of trail covered with redwood, Douglas-fir, and interesting rocks. What makes Castle Rock so great is its accessibility, ease of hiking, and rock climbing. The main park entrance is right off 35. You can't miss it on a weekend because there will be a line of cars parked on the road. Try to get here before 10AM if you want a parking spot.

Trip distance: ~3 miles
Terrain Rating: Very Easy
Hike In: 9AM
Hike Out: 11AM

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