I recently tried on a pair of Xero Shoes, and I have to say I’m hooked!
Xero Shoes is a minimalist natural footwear brand from Boulder, CO. I was sent a pair of their Jessie shoes and was surprised how much I loved the minimalism! I’ve never tried this type of shoe before so it was a brand new experience for me.
My first time out was with walking Ty my chocolate lab. It’s not as easy to slip on as flip-flops because you have to position your big toe into the shoe. But once it’s tied in and ready to go, the shoe feels amazing! It’s great for hot summer days in LA because you really feel like your feet are breathing, almost like you are barefoot.

The shoe is a great in between of something I would wear in city life (grocery shopping, Chipotle runs, you name it) and in the outdoors (beach days, camping). It’s super lightweight at 4.8 oz each so it makes for a great backpacking shoe. I’m heading to New Mexico next week and I’ll definitely be bringing my Xero shoes with me!