Trail Distance: 7 miles
Elevation Gain: 2000′
Terrain Rating: Moderate
Hike In: 12:02PM
Hike Out: 3:38PM

Trailhead: Enter the town of Baños Morales and look for signs to El Morado National Park. From Santiago, it is about 2.5 hours.
Route: Only one trail!
El Morado National Park is about 2.5 hours outside of Santiago. There is a $4 entrance fee to get in, and the park is only open from 8:30AM-6:30PM. This hike is known for the San Francisco Glacier, but we did not go all the way to the glacier because it’s summer in Chile and the glacier does not look that impressive. There is a nice view of the Andes Mountains however, so it’s well worth the hike to the Lagoon.
Do I need to hire a tour guide? NO.
You definitely do not need a tour guide if you have gone hiking before. My friend & I do not speak Spanish, and we found the trailhead without issues. All you need is a GPS, a rental car, and you’re all set! There is really nothing in this terrain that warrants a guide.
The hike starts off at an official hut, where you pay the park entrance fee. The trail is very well marked, as there is only one trail there and back. The terrain itself can be characterized by small rocks and sand. It was a quick 3.5 miles to the lagoon, where we stopped for some snacks, before we turned around and headed back to the car. Overall, it was a nice hike if you are looking for a getaway from the city of Santiago.
Gear Specs:
- 1L of water
- Lots of energy bars
- Shorts, non-cotton tshirt
- Salomon hiking boots and socks
- Windbreaker (definitely bring a windbreaker. Even though it was 80 degrees and sunny in Santiago, it was quite windy in the Andes)
- Emergency gear
*You might be wondering why I’m not writing about my trip to the W Trek. Long story short, American Airlines is a horrible airline and I will not be flying with them again. Note: if you are flying through Miami, do not check your luggage. AA in Miami has a horrible reputation for losing luggage. And, they won’t give you any compensation when they leave you stranded for 48 hours at an airport without housing!
Is the incline more of a gradual one? And just how hot was it on the day, and did the heat affect you much? My wife and I want to do this hike next month. The elevation and distance are about our limit. Your advice is appreciated. Hook up with us in Asheville, NC. I can take you hiking. Thanks!
Hi Allen,
The incline is gradual, yes! When we went, it was 80 degrees. The trail is very exposed with no shade, but it didn’t feel very hot because there is a lot of wind. We found the wind to be more of an issue than the heat. I was happy to have a bandana to protect my mouth and eyes from the dust.
Thanks for your feedback. We’re definitely giving it a shot. Your photo of the glacier and the horses….stunning.
Just circling back to you. My wife and I made it to the San Fran Glacier and had a wonderful experience. I blogged about it here: Your blog was super helpful in our planning stages, so thank you very much! What’s interesting is that thirty or so passengers on our American Airlines flight (we purchased our tix long before I read of your troubles!) had their luggage misplaced at the Miami airport en route to Santiago. We were two of those passengers! lol Luckily we carried our hiking gear in our carry-ons, and therefore had no major problems. We decided to pack our gear this way after I read your blog! However, there was one young guy from California who was planning to fly south from Santiago to Southern Patagonia, yet all his hiking gear was lost, since he had packed it in his checked luggage. I hope it didn’t mess up his plans! lol We live and learn. Take care, and keep hiking.
Thanks for the update Allen! Sounds like you had a great adventure. I’m glad your hiking gear made it safely through carry-on. Hopefully one day American Airlines will figure out their luggage situation 😉